Saturday, 15 October 2011

Day 4: Do you ever feel like...a plastic bag?

Today has been a homework day. Basic meals, pajamas, glued to the computer.

However, I came across an interesting short film: Plastic Bag by Ramin Bahrani. The film was commissioned by ITVS for a series called Future States. It is not the typically preachy you-are-destroying-the-world documentary about the environment. Thankfully! Instead, it is a poignant and beautifully executed short film that takes the audience on an existential journey of a plastic bag that is in search of his maker. It is a bit slow moving, but I found that it spoke volumes. I may or may not have teared up at the end. I hope you guys find the time to enjoy it!

And attention educators/future educators! While snooping around the website, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the short film was accompanied by a lesson plan! There are a few other lesson plans in relation to other short films in the series as well. Woohoo! Bonus!

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful film! I really enjoyed it! Such an interesting prospective but yet so real and relatable!
