Sunday 16 October 2011

Day 5: Confronting Makeup

I find makeup to be one of the tougher subjects to approach when going plastic free. It not only raises the issue of all the wasteful plastic packaging that harm the planet and our bodies, but then you're faced with issue of the even more harmful toxins and chemicals that compose makeup to begin with. And that undoubtedly raises the age old, much debated, and never really resolved issue:  Why wear make up to begin with?  

Personally, I find this topic to be a massive labyrinth of multifaceted issues ranging from level headed personal choices to extremes in which women spend 3 hours every morning painting their face. I think both ends of the spectrum are definitely influenced by mass-media and its appropriation of beauty.  For the sake of theme, I'll let you all ponder that one on your own while I stay focused on the issue of reducing my plastic use.

In one way, I consider myself fairly lucky walking into this challenge given the fact I consider myself fairly low-maintenance. The picture above illustrates what my daily makeup routine looked like before the challenge. LOTS of concealer, a little bit of foundation, kohl eyeliner, mascara, and chap stick. However, that doesn't mean it is even close to all the make up I own but never use (see below). And this is only what I decided to bring with me from Winnipeg. Pretty brutal!

I've managed to drop everything but the concealer for my everyday makeup routine.  On the plus side, I'm using a lot less plastic and saving some time getting ready in the morning. On the down side, I feel like I am failing a bit by not giving up on concealer. But my vanity definitely gets the better of me - those under eye circles are a little extreme! 

I tried to look around for some plastic free alternatives for make up, and I haven't come across anything worth mentioning. And even if you do take care of the plastic packaging issue, there is still a question of what is in your make up. Check out EWG's Skin Deep Makeup Database to see what your makeup rates. 

For me:
MAC Concealer: 5 (moderate hazard)
Revlon DoubleTwist Mascara: 4 (moderate hazard)
Revlon Eyeliner: 4 (moderate hazard)
And I couldn't find my lip balm on the site. 


  1. This is eye opening! I have a bunch of stuff from Bert's Bees that say they are "natural". I thought it would score well but I guess they don't disclose the kind of fragrance they use so the fragrance gets an individual 8 (high hazard) and then the product gets an overall 5. That's pretty high.

  2. I use Bert's Bees as well...wah wahhh, big flop there. You can get natural and organic makeup, but they are still packaged in plastic and who know's what exactly is leaching into them. They also cost an arm and a leg...I had a friend once tell me that mascara left on the eyelashes, say after a night of 'one too many' can produce microscopic maggots...but I haven't done further research on that one.

    Good luck on your mission, Monica!
